Benefit from a lifetime of experience

Mature age workers have a valuable contribution to make to your tourism business. With age comes resilience, the ability to relate to a variety of people and other traits and experiences that can help the tourism industry.


Older workers tend to be reliable, level-headed and have good work ethic. They are also five times less likely to change jobs than 20-24 year olds.*


Businesses prosper on experience and older workers can bring extensive knowledge, work experience and transferrable skills.


Intergenerational workforces can increase the efficiency of a business, improving productivity, competitiveness and customer service.

Support to recruit older workers

The Mature Age Hub has resources to support you in recruiting and retaining older workers.

You can also tap into Workforce Australia networks and programs like Career Transition Assistance to connect with and hire mature age workers. For example, a Career Transition Assistance provider may be able to identify participants suitable for your business.

Talk to a provider to find out how they can help and if you are eligible for financial support to employ an older worker.

Find out more about Workforce Australia for Business and how it can help you market your business and vacancies to thousands of candidates for free.

Learn more

Industry Communications kit

Older Australians are in a better position than ever to take up a job in the visitor economy. Temporary changes made by the government to the Work Bonus give them greater flexibility to earn more without losing income support payments. To help highlight this opportunity, we have developed a kit of materials that explain the changes.

* Source: Human Rights Commission
Images courtesy of Tourism Australia