Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA)

ANZCERTA was the first of Australia’s bilateral agreements.

The Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) came into effect in 1983. It was the first of Australia’s bilateral agreements. ANZCERTA created one of the world's most open and successful free trade agreements.

What ANZCERTA offers

ANZCERTA has been recognised by the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a model Free Trade Agreement. It covers a wide range of trade issues. These are mainly all trans-Tasman trade in goods, including agricultural products, and services.

Investment from one country to the other is also important. Australia is the largest investor in New Zealand. It ranks third as an investment destination for Australia. Over half of Australia's total investment in New Zealand is Foreign Direct Investment. This reflects the high level of economic integration.

Doing business in New Zealand

Before entering the New Zealand business market there are a number of factors to take into account. This includes culture, politics, and business etiquette.

Austrade can help Australian companies familiarise themselves with local market conditions. We also assist in developing export opportunities through a range of in-market and Australian-based services.

To learn more about visas, tax requirements, priority business and product sectors visit Doing business in New Zealand.

More information

Please visit the ANZCERTA page on the DFAT website for comprehensive information.

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