Entering the German Market: A Guide for Australian Technology Companies

Helping Australian export-ready technology businesses and innovators understand the German market.

Date published
1 March 2023
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This guide helps Australian export-ready technology businesses and innovators understand the benefits of the German market. This allows them to scale their business internationally.

The guide has information on:

  • how Germany does business
  • innovator and tech culture in Germany
  • pitching and fundraising
  • taxation and incorporation
  • data protection and intellectual property (IP)
  • how Austrade can help.

Key information

Regional hotspots

Much like Germany’s economy in general, different regional ecosystems tend to specialise in different technical industries. There are 12 industry hubs in cities across Germany. 

Australian tech companies should seek out the hub that best fits their business. They can contact them to better understand which advice and assistance they can offer.

Austrade services for exporters to Germany

If your business wants to explore the German market, Austrade can help. Our global network can:

  • connect export-ready Australian businesses to overseas opportunities and work with them to achieve commercial results
  • work with priority industry sectors to drive sustained long-term growth of Australian exports
  • reduce the time, cost and risk for companies doing business internationally
  • provide authoritative commercial insights and information to help clients to make informed business decisions
  • provide financial assistance for exporters through programs such as the Export Market Development Grants scheme.

Contact us

For more information about exporting to Germany, email germany@austrade.gov.au.