​Profile of EMDG recipients as of March 2024

Analysis of data in applications and milestone reports help us understand grant recipients.

Date published
23 May 2024
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We regularly analyse data received in applications and milestone reports. We do this to better understand the profile of businesses who apply for and receive EMDG. This analysis helps us to evaluate the program and make improvements.

In this summary, we share insights into the profile of EMDG recipients including:

  • their size by turnover and employment
  • industry sectors
  • export markets.

Key findings

Statistics based on 9,609 grantees across the 3 rounds of the EMDG program show:

  • Over 60% of grantees declare a turnover of under $1 million.
  • Approximately 60% of grantees have 2 to 9 employees.
  • The majority of grantees target 2 to 10 export markets.
  • Most popular markets for grantees are:
    • the USA, for approximately 50% of grantees
    • the UK, over 35%
    • Canada,  for 19%.
  • Services and Technology is the main industry, consistent across the 3 rounds.

Ten years’ worth of EMDG Reimbursement Scheme and EMDG Program data shows that, on average, exporters have:

  • participated in the program for 3.4 years
  • been in business for 8 years.

Contact us

Email: EMDG.help@austrade.gov.au