THRIVE Implementation Advisory Group

TIAG monitors and advises on implementing the THRIVE 2030 strategy for Australia’s visitor economy.

Guiding Australia’s long-term visitor economy strategy

THRIVE 2030 is an action plan for governments and industry to work together towards a visitor economy that is:

  • resilient
  • sustainable
  • innovative
  • world-class. 

Roles and responsibilities

The THRIVE 2030 Implementation Advisory Group (TIAG) is at the centre of the framework. They will talk with and represent a wide range of sectors, jurisdictions, and networks. They will meet twice a year to:

  • monitor strategy implementation
  • give progress updates to the Minister for Trade and Tourism.

Austrade is the secretariat.

Read the TIAG Terms of Reference (DOCX 860KB).


TIAG has up to 12 members. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Austrade is the Chair. Tourism Australia’s Managing Director is an ex-officio member.

Members were selected for their industry expertise. They are based across Australia:

  • Karen Bolinger, Founder Bolinger Consulting
  • Sarina Bratton AM, Chairman Asia Pacific and Special Advisor to Executive, PONANT
  • Matt Cameron-Smith, CEO, Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia
  • Tony Coppins, Managing Director, Kangaroo Island Ocean Safari and member of the National Indigenous Tourism Advisory Group
  • Tim Horan AM, Managing Director, River & Mercantile Asset Management
  • Rob Pennicott, Managing Director, Pennicott Wilderness Journeys
  • Laura Ruffles, Executive Director and Global COO, Corporate Travel Management
  • Mr Simon Westaway, Strategy Director, Royce Communications

The state and territory government representative on TIAG is:

  • Emma Terry, CEO, South Australian Tourism Commission

Read TIAG member biographies (PDF 317KB,  DOCX 112KB)

Meeting outcomes

To request copies of older meeting summaries, email

More information

Read the THRIVE 2030 Strategy.

Contact us



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