THRIVE 2030 Industry Data and Expert Analysis Working Group: Recommendations Report

This report puts forward 6 recommendations to deliver better data for Australia’s visitor economy.

Date published
23 October 2023
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Having relevant, robust and timely data is critical for growth and industry sustainability. It underpins good decision-making, business growth and investor confidence.


The Industry Data and Expert Analysis (IDEA) Working Group was set up under THRIVE 2030. THRIVE 2030 is Australia’s national long-term strategy for the visitor economy.

The Working Group’s task was to identify information gaps and potential solutions to data deficits in Australia’s visitor economy. Austrade’s Tourism Research Australia (TRA) led the task, supported by a range of experts.

This final report includes details of:

  • 6 recommendations for improved data in the visitor economy
  • the work that led to these recommendations
  • the background and membership of the IDEA Working Group.

Key recommendations

Improving visitor economy data

The main proposal was to develop long-term visitor economy indicators within a consolidated framework - the ‘Longitudinal Indicators for the Visitor Economy (LIVE) framework’.

The LIVE framework will give a fuller picture of the sector than economic figures can alone. It will do this by including social and environmental factors that can influence travel behaviour.

Examples of social and environmental factors influencing behaviour include:

  • Travellers' feelings about an Australian destination or experience can affect their decision to visit in future and recommend it to other travellers
  • Operators may win extra business by being able to demonstrate their sustainability credentials.

Other recommendations

The other 5 recommendations proposed in the report involve:

  1. setting up a proof of concept to further explore financial data
  2. refining a mobility data product to inform domestic and international visitor statistics
  3. creating a model to estimate the number and scale of business events
  4. expanding research on the environmental and social aspects of tourism
  5. including the LIVE framework in the THRIVE 2030 strategy.

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Read more about the IDEA Working Group.